To fetch life’s essentials,
Like a few litres of milk,
Delivered at door-step, daily,
Just two months back, previously;
And grocery items, ordinary
Or medicines when required,
From a nearby market, deserted,
And some vegetables – as of now
Delivered under lockdown conditions,
Within complex, arranged by authority,
Twice or thrice a week, hardly,
Has become a big venture –
Much important and dare,
To be executed with utmost care.

To accomplish the endeavour,
Changing of clothes, the physical gear,
Sanitizing hands, currency notes,
And debit card etc. with a sanitizer,
Or, washing of the hands thoroughly,
With soap – separate for the purpose,
All tools kept near the exit door.
Not to forget a face mask-wearing,
Of which is made mandatory,
And, to carry a particular cloth bag,
Before proceeding on the mission,
Has become a big venture-
Much important and dare,
To be executed with utmost care.

Avoiding even a friend, to come near,
Filled with corona tension, fearing the fate,
Repeat the process on return,
Now, with added burden of washing,
All the items just procured,
In running water at the entry gate.
Besides, cleaning of other body parts,
Followed by changing of the worn dome,
That qualify one’s entry back inside,
The living room of my own home.
Follow the itinerary with precision,
Has become a big venture –
Much important and dare,
To be executed with utmost care.

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