Stitching together times of concern and care.

Sacrificing her siesta and hours, nearly three,
Mother, hand stitches a cloth mask for my safety,
After hearing Prime Minister of the country,
Address the nation, 14th of April, twenty-twenty.

Not that, I didn’t use any *face mask, earlier,
But, then, how can a mother be surer.
The mask, a piece-unique in design and quality,
Another specimen of her skills and creativity.

Separate twines hold the mask around ears,
Two straps, tied at the nape, makes it secure,
For mouth and nose, an additional inside layer;
All these features for no leakage, to ensure.

Stitched together are times of concern and care,
A witness to moving history; white in colour,
The mask, for humans, acts as a protective gear.
Like love – a mother, never ever shirks to share.


(*Normal face mask purchased from the market)

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