To fetch life’s essentials,Like a few litres of milk,Delivered at door-step, daily,Just two months back, previously;And grocery items, ordinaryOr medicines when required,From a nearby market, deserted,And some vegetables – as of nowDelivered under lockdown conditions,Within complex, arranged by authority,Twice or thrice a week, hardly,Has become a big venture –Much important and dare,To be executed with … Read more


Happy Chaturdashi*To my friends, here, all.Blessed may we be,With the capability,  To emulate Sri Ganapati ;And, pray, may He –The Lord, protect us all,Day, night, spring and fall. * Chaturdashi : Fourteenth day of lunar fortnight of Vaishak month of Hindu calendar dedicated to lord Ganapati / Ganesha.


“Time and Tide,Wait for none”They say,It is time for us to run,Running could be a ‘mission’,For some, merely a fun.Euphoria may have begun,Beware of any hidden gun;Check your steps, emotion. Centuries’ old suffering,Not to be undone,Ground realities can’t be shun;Remember the resolution,The ‘Margdarshan’!Of December, Ninety One,Our own place under the sun! Protect thy illustrious roots,O, … Read more


Sacrificing her siesta and hours, nearly three,Mother, hand stitches a cloth mask for my safety,After hearing Prime Minister of the country,Address the nation, 14th of April, twenty-twenty. Not that, I didn’t use any *face mask, earlier,But, then, how can a mother be surer.The mask, a piece-unique in design and quality,Another specimen of her skills and … Read more


Fell asleep, reportedly,In a New York crematory,A worker, exhausted, on a ‘bed’ –Meant to carry the dead. Reduce the increasing line,Quickly shifts, fellow worker,The ‘dead’ into chamber,For victims of Covid -19. Switches are put on,Screams the ‘dead’,Woken from slumber, deep.Within seconds, just fifteen,Reduced to ashes, shining red;The worker put to eternal sleep ? ( Dedicated … Read more


Face Book vs Life’s Look Have been inactive on ‘face’ book,Trying to understand the life’s look.A period of nearly three years,For nothing special to add, toAny one’s intellectual layers. Come, they insist, ‘out in open’, dear,It is a “good past time” of the year,Under lockdown, due to corona fear;My thoughts, many would like to hear. … Read more

Harmukh Bartal Lyrics – Beautiful Kashmiri Bhajan

Harmukh Bartal lyrics for everyone to read. Harmukh Bartal is a very famous and beautiful Kashmiri bhajan. It recently became more famous when this song was used in The Family Man which you can stream on Amazon Prime. The original writer of the song is unknown and there are a couple of versions of this … Read more


Amidst the corona global scare,Morning, Durga Ashtami– the day,On a fresh hand towel, faaka-chai, waiting in a tray,Comes another news of fear,From a friend, so dear,Just eight kilometres away. ‘Mother, serious, on ventilator,Not able to resist any further, Doctors advise,Be prepared for the eventuality;Leaving for home…..,Pandit Ji of ……Vihar , Not willing to perform the … Read more