Face Book vs Life’s Look Have been inactive on ‘face’ book,Trying to understand the life’s look.A period of nearly three years,For nothing special to add, toAny one’s intellectual layers. Come, they insist, ‘out in open’, dear,It is a “good past time” of the year,Under lockdown, due to corona fear;My thoughts, many would like to hear. … Read more


Amidst the corona global scare,Morning, Durga Ashtami– the day,On a fresh hand towel, faaka-chai, waiting in a tray,Comes another news of fear,From a friend, so dear,Just eight kilometres away. ‘Mother, serious, on ventilator,Not able to resist any further, Doctors advise,Be prepared for the eventuality;Leaving for home…..,Pandit Ji of ……Vihar , Not willing to perform the … Read more


Yesterday, tested ‘positive’, Another high ranking minister, Like some royal princes, earlier. Half a million plus, infected globally, So far, from every strata of society. In China, America, Spain, Germany, France, Japan, every other country, More than one hundred and fifty. Deaths, twenty eight thousand, the tally, One thousand, in a day, in Italy, The … Read more


Maintain distance, From a body,Not from the soul;From social activity,Not from the society.Fathom the gravity,As a whole!Stem over the tide,Play your role. ‘Covid -19’ is on the rise;Resolve, cut it to size. ‘Social distance’ is the key,Now, lest late it will be.Tire, under lockdown, we may,Be, complacent, no way; Delve inside, seek a ray. Here … Read more


Covid -19, the virus of Corona, Originating from Wuhan in China, Has created an unusual scare, Crossing borders, on earth’s sphere. From America to Zambia,   Everyone, whether, rich or poor; Of any nationality and religiosity, Is hit by the fear on their persona. Till now in months, nearly, four, Over eleven thousand lives are … Read more