Kashmiri Pandit surnames

Kashmiri Pandit Surnames likes Bhat, Koul & Raina are pretty common. You must have definitely met a Kashmiri pandit with at least 1 of these surnames. Kashmiri Brahmin Pandits refers to a group of people, belonging to a division of Hindu Brahmins, who have their origin from Kashmir. Hindu Brahmins are said to hail from … Read more


Did you know that Jammu & Kashmir is also known as the fruit paradise? Most people know about a few popular fruits in Kashmir like Apples & pear. Here we talk about all the fruits. Famous fruits in Kashmir Apple  Cherry Strawberry Pears Peach Mulberry Musk-Melon Famous dry fruits in Kashmir Almonds Walnuts Cashews Hazelnuts … Read more


Gauri Amba Lyrics Leela labdha sthapitha lupthakhila lokaam,Lokaa theethair yogibir antha hrida mrugyam,Balaadithya sreni samaana dyuthi punchaam,Gowri mamba maboorahakshie maham meede. 1 I adore my mother Gauri, who has lotus like eyes,Who playfully creates and destroys the worlds,Who is sought after by the mind of yogis, who are beyond this world,And who is like a … Read more


Maej Sharika Kar Daya Lyrics Maej sharikay kar daya var daya hee bhawanikar dayayhenz mai dreshtiso chham baed meharbanimaej sharikay kar daya aai laraan tchenish yorkarma khur hai bhaavanimatay vuchhtam karman kunmaeji matay vuchhtam karman kunsaeri chhiy pashemanimaej sharikay kar dayavar daya hee bhawanikar dayayhenz mai dreshtiso chham baed meharbanimaej sharikay kar daya kotaam rozi … Read more


At Lethapora, in Kashmir, some ‘champions’ of Islam, enact a gruesome scene; in the year, two thousand and nineteen, explode a lethal suicide bomb. Within seconds, not only the blood, flesh of our Jawans, is splintered on the roads; mercilessly, in midst of the day, more than forty of them, are just reduced to hay. … Read more


At the crematorium, as usual, pyres are lit to cremate the dead. But,today, the count is more, five on the left,and on the right,four. Side by side; some lit earlier, some lit now. Strangers, as they were in life, closer they came in death! Feelings exchange in whispers, of the accompanying nears and dears. Eagles, … Read more



Clean society, Green society. Yes, this is the necessity for you, for me; And, the entire humanity. To preserve our progeny; maintain the continuity. For eternity, with intensity; follow, the concept of utmost utility. On the eve of today’s festivity, i.e. 26th of January, the day chosen in the year, nineteen hundred and thirty, to achieve … Read more

‘BOE’NNI’ – The Majestic Chinars

Boe’nni – the majestic Chinars, Spread far and afar, standing up and so tall, with roots of great strength, giving shade and warmth, to one and all, big or small, suiting the climatic condition; Never making any distinction, of any faith or colour, be it winter or summer. all across the valley; As they have … Read more


Happy New Year ! That has just set in, Let fragrance of fresh air too in, Put all negativity inside a dust bin; Cleanse the minds, shy away from sin; Now, be guided by new resolutions, Higher goals to chase & win! Spread message of goodwill among all, big and small , including, the kith … Read more